Wednesday, August 31, 2011

First Day of School

When we first got into the classroom this morning we hung up our bags and worked on a word search that had all of our names in it. Next, we went to the courtyard for our back to school assembly. When we got back into the classroom we got settled into our desks. After that we started the Daily 5 and had some quiet Read to Self time. After a quick snack we went to the cafeteria to go over the procedures. Straight from there we went to Art. Each of us sketched our self portrait. Once we were back in the room, we practiced a fire drill and took a class picture which we hope to post soon. Finally it was recess time. Some of us played soccer, some of us played tag, and some went on the swings. Since there was no school yesterday, today was pizza day! This afternoon we completed a math BINGO sheet and played Addition Top-It. Luckily Mrs. Brooks was free to help us get our Enoboard working. We watched a BrainPOP video and wrote this first entry on our blog! It was a busy and fun day!!!